Renew Your MARSQA Membership

Dues are only $30!

To continue having access to this unique opportunity to network with your peers and extend your benefits of membership, please use the instructions below to renew. Please note that if you are also an SQA member, this renewal process may not work to renew MARSQA dues. Please contact if you have any questions or issues renewing your membership.

  • Go to
  • Sign in using your username and password.**
    (If you do not remember your username or password, you can request a reminder by clicking on the appropriate link under the Sign In button.)
  • Once you sign in, please review and update your demographic and contact information. MARSQA and SQA uses this information for a variety of purposes, and we would very much appreciate your review of this information. Edit as needed and click "Finish" at the bottom of the page.
  • Select from the dues options and and follow the prompts in the SQA store. Add any other desired options, review your membership products, and click “Add to Cart.”
  • Click "Pay Now/Checkout" and follow the prompts to finalize your renewal.

** As a member of MARSQA, you should already have a username and password with SQA, even if you only belong to the Chapter. If you think you may have an SQA logon, but do not know your username or password, please do not create a new account, because multiple accounts cause problems with your member history, password reminders, and other features. Instead, use the link on the Sign In page to get help with your username/password.

If you are certain that you have never logged on to the SQA website (to register for meetings or trainings, apply for/renew membership in SQA or a Chapter, etc.) please create a new account.

If you need assistance, please contact